sunroom studio

Our story

Tucked away in the hinterland of Byron Bay, in northern NSW, is an art and music creation environment. It’s not what you would usually expect, far from the typically sterile studio, it’s a home for music creaters and lovers; who play, write, live, breathe, listen to and record music. Equipped with the usual suspects of professional recording gear and operated by someone who knows it, this place will have you feeling comfortable to create, perform your works of art and tell your stories from the moment you walk in the door.
Equipment -
Soundworkshop Series 30 console with API mix output transformers.
Tascam ATR-60 16 Trk 1” Tape Machine
Tascam 38 8 Trk 1/2" Tape Machine
Revox PR99 2 Trk 1/4" Tape Machine
3x RME Fireface 800 / Pro Tools 10
2x Universal Audio 6176 Channels
1x Neve 8801 Channel
1x Amek 9098 Channel In A Box
1x RND Portico 5033 EQ
1x RND Portico 5043 Compressor (stereo)
1x Retro Doublewide Tube Compressor (500 series)
1x Presonus Tube Preamp
1x FMR RNP Stereo Preamp
1x FMR RNC Stereo Compressor
2x Roland RE-201 Space Echo
Dynaudio Acoustics BM6A Monitors
Beyer Dynamic / AKG Headphones
Microphones -
1x Neumann U87
1x BeesNeez T1 Tube (U47 clone)
1x OPR 251 Deluxe Tube (ELA-M251 clone)
2x AKG 414-XLS
2x AKG C414-BULS
2x Sennheiser MD-421
2x Oktava MK-012 (matched pair)
2x OPR U-Mod 'Grill' Ribbons (matched pair)
2x OPR modified ‘121 Ribbons
1x AKG C-451
1x AKG D-112
1x Rode NT-2
2x Shure SM57
2x Audix i5
Available Instruments -
Yamaha UX Piano *
Fender Rhodes *
Hammond C3 Organ inc Leslie 147 and Hammond PR40 speaker cabs *
Moog Voyager analogue synth *
Martin 0000-28H acoustic guitar
Cort acoustic bass guitar
Acoustic 150 Amplifier with custom 2x12 speaker cab.
*please contact for availability
Other instruments and amps available on request include
’64 Ludwig Drums
Peavey Classic 100 Guitar Amp
Fender Deville 2x12 Guitar Amp
Eden Nemesis 4x10 combo Bass Amp
Meinl & LP Congas, also various percussion instruments.